Written in collaboration with Mary Jo Wevers, PhD.
Wednesday December 21st, the Sun leaves the farseeing and optimistic fire sign of Sagittarius and enters the pragmatic and disciplined earth sign of Capricorn. From its lofty heights, Sagittarius helps us envision goals for the future. The Sun in Capricorn brings us down to earth and teaches us how to manifest them.
The Sun moving into the sign of Capricorn marks the Winter Solstice, the beginning of a new seasonal cycle. It provides impetus to reorganize, reformulate, and reconstruct systems and structures to accommodate changes taking place in our world. Practical, enterprising, and economical, it tests and ground-truths ideas for reform before implementing them. In the month ahead, focus your will and determination to reassess and reorganize your life to achieve your goals.
In the ingress chart, the Sun in Capricorn is joined by Mercury, Venus, and Pluto. The Sun shines light on the need for maturity and wisdom, hard work, and economical use of time and resources to achieve our ambitions. Mercury in Capricorn uses self-discipline to think, move and communicate in responsible ways. Venus in Capricorn values enterprise and self-sufficiency in its creative endeavors, and honor and integrity in its relationships. Pluto in Capricorn applies its deep insight to detect areas in need of purging, elimination, purification, and transformation. The Houses of your astrological chart occupied by these Capricorn planets indicate the areas of life where you can apply these principles and traits to restructure and re-form your life.
The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto in the ingress chart are ruled, and further delineated, by Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn in Aquarius works to reform society and provide the freedom for individuals to be their authentic, unique selves by promoting equality and altruistic humanitarianism. It is rational and scientific, innovative and inventive when solving problems. It contains or puts limits on non-conformist rebelliousness, intolerant ideology, and cold, impersonal detachment. It is progressive and futuristic in self-disciplined, stable, and sustainable ways.

On the personal level, Saturn in Aquarius directs us to reform old patterning and restrictive structures that keep us from being authentic and true to ourselves. When we break free from adhering to social, cultural and familial mores, and take responsibility for making our own decisions in life, we begin the process of maturation. We gain wisdom by being a perceptive observer in life, taking responsibility for our actions, and learning from our own life experiences. We become our own authority for our self.
Saturn in Aquarius is ruled, or disposed, by retrograde Uranus in Taurus, conjunct the lunar North Node, our collective spiritual destiny. Retrograde Uranus conjunct the North Node helps us break down and break through obsolete attitudes regarding our earthly existence and ways we provide for our material needs. Reflect, review and reconsider your beliefs and behaviors regarding your physicality and your relationship to material wealth and possessions. How do you attract, accumulate and view your personal resources? How do you use them? Taurus, like Capricorn, is an earth sign. In the ingress chart, it blends Capricorn themes of ambition and achievement, honor and reputation in the world with its own themes of material safety and security, self-worth, and values.
The Moon in Sagittarius is opposed by retrograde Mars in Gemini and squared by Vesta in Pisces in the ingress chart. The Moon in Sagittarius keeps us emotionally optimistic with its focus on the big picture and faith in the future. Retrograde Mars in Gemini can become impatient, combative, and rash as it gets lost in the details. Curb tendencies to communicate impulsively. Exercise self-discipline, be wise and reserved in your interactions and communications. Vesta in Pisces serves others in her community by dissolving and washing away conflict and strife with sensitivity, empathy, forgiveness, and spiritual awareness.

On December 23rd, two days following the Sun’s ingress into Capricorn, a New Moon occurs at 2:17 am (PST) at 1 degree Capricorn. This New Moon provides opportunities for reforming, re-structuring, and rebuilding anew. On the personal front, what seeds can you plant for a more responsible, realistic, self-reliant self? Where do you need to apply self-discipline, consistent effort, and hard work in your life to achieve your goals? Where in your community can you contribute your skills and experience as a wise authority for altruistic or humanitarian causes?
Follow the 3 Rs:
The 14th Dalai Lama
Respect for Self
Respect for Others and
Responsibility for all your actions
You will begin to see evidence of the seeds you sow as they develop and come to fruition on the following Full Moon in Cancer on January 6th. This Full Moon conjoins retrograde Pallas Athena, reflecting an emotional need to pay attention to our intuition, and use it in creative ways to develop effective strategies. The Full Moon is opposed by retrograde Mercury in Capricorn. Schedule some time and space to reflect on emotional material that may be surfacing. How might you break through any difficulties you may have utilizing your feelings and instincts? Acknowledge and honor your internal comments on the external world, and apply this information wisely.

Mary Jo Wevers, PhD, is a licensed Spiritual Health Coach specializing in soul-personality integration. A certified Karmic Astrologer, Mary Jo uses the archetypal language of astrology to help clients understand themselves and their life experiences from a deeper, spiritual perspective.